Friday, June 27, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Mr. carlin, I fucking salute you.

It was spring of 1991, I was six years old, and on the television played an HBO broadcast special featuring the new conductor/narrator of Thomas the Tank Engine...

You know, the one after the guy with the British accent.

It was on this evening, during this HBO program.... when I distinctly remember learning something important.

This was when I first head the word, "fuck."

As an avid fan of the word and the innovative adaptations of it's use, most notably "motherfucker," I was saddened this week to say farewell to the man who introduced me to such a cathartic and universally effective piece of language.

In fact, when I learned of his death, my verbal reaction was:

"Whoa. Fuck..."

Things come full circle.

George Fucking Carlin, Farewell.

Rest in Peace.

the beans spilleth

Video of the Month